Why do you attend wedding ceremonies or any ceremony where you have to wear the aso ebi uniform? Many people have asked this question and one answer has been heard over and over again; knowing that Nigerians are fund of answering a question with a question its no surprise that the answer to the above question also co es in form of a question, and this is “If you don’t buy aso ebi who would buy your own when you have a ceremony?”
This answer is just to show that many times we buy the aso ebi fabric, we do this so that we also have the opportunity to sell ours when the right time comes. For the celebrant the aso ebi is a form of uniformity (Uniformity makes for a good photograph) but its also a way to gain back some funds for the money that has been spent to put the ceremony together. Therefore ultimately when you buy the aso ebi fabric you are helping the celebrant. Note that’s its not everyone that sell the aso ebi, many would just give you a sample of the fabric to get by yourself in the market or many would just get it to you for free.
Now after paying so much for your aso ebi fabric the next thing would be to look for the correct style to sew. It would be awful if your still comes out terribly after you’ve spent so much money, therefore you need to scroll to check out the latest cord lace and Ankara print styles above;