Its always a struggle when you wake up in the morning and realize that you have to got to church. This is the reality so many of us face and the best solution is by arranging and putting together the pieces before church day, if not we might end up missing the whole service because we can’t find something suitable to wear.
Since its the festive season, don’t be surprised when you see a lot of people looking like its already Christmas Day; they do this because the entire month of December is a month for celebration and thanksgiving, counting your many blessings and the fact that you are alive today.
Being a church brat automatically means that you understand the need for thanksgiving so you must give thanks and you can start off with how you dress to church. I remember reading ‘Without a silver spoon’ and one of the pages I can’t forget was where the author wrote about the protagonist wearing the best piece of clothing he had to church. It was his Sunday best and it was called such because that was the neatest clothe he owned. If you are following this post I assume you’ve got a bunch of Sunday best so go through your closet and make sure you rock one of those Sunday best to church this weekend.