Bags are the highlight of every outfit and one of the most important girl’s accessory. There are so many different types of bags to choose from including clutches, totes, satchels, fanny packs, cross-body bags and backpacks. There might be a lot but they are mostly the same basic rectangular shape. It’s practical but it isn’t very much fun.
The trend for novelty bags means that you can transport all your essentials in anything from a cola can to a disco ball. They may not be as common as your standard purse but there are plenty of them to be found. Fashion shouldn’t be taken too seriously, and a novelty handbag can be a great reminder of this. These bags are sure to make a statement by definitely drawing attention and adding funk to an outfit. They are a fun way of livening up any outfit. There are a range of novelty bags to choose from right now so get inspired with these stylish novelty bags
A cute animal shaped bag is a kooky way of working this trend into your outfit especially if you an animal lover.